There always comes a time when even the smallest issue can make you look like a full blown idiot. (Not considering the fact that I am an idiot to some extent), this issue of mounting a pen-drive in solaris 8 made me look more like one. Then, fortunately with the help of Google, and my friend, we were able to solve the issue. Now wait a minute. Shouldnt that be easy. Well yes, AFTER we found the solution. Now, if you ask me to do the same in Linux, it will be as easy as asking Bush to talk nonsense. But, in Solaris 8, it became something like making PVNR laugh. Well, all is well and we ended doing something like this.
First run
mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/cXtXdXsX:c /your/mountpoint
This ought to do the trick forya. For us, it DID :-)
Now, with Solaris 9, my friend updated another sequence which ended up with a separate GUI window popping up just like a media drive.
After connecting the media drive, you need to restart the volume manager.
/etc/init.d/volmgt stop
/etc/init.d/volmgt start
The filesystem should show up in /rmdisk/unnamed (or under a specific name if found). Also, it pops up a separate GUI window with the contents of the drive. One thing though. Sometimes, it takes time to update the volume details and popup the window. So, keep cool and wait before coming to a conclusion. Now, to unmount the device, you need to
eject unnamedto update the cache and unmount the device properly.