./myapp : error while loading shared libaries :. There are two ways to escape this pain.
/usr/local/lib/libmylib.so :cannot restore segment prot
after reloc permission denied.
1. Kill the source of pain once and for all. Disable selinux. Open /etc/selinux/config and either comment out all lines or modify the following line as below
SELINUX=disabled. Save the file and voila, you are a killer.
2. Request selinux.
Dear Selinux,
Since I have to work with user created libraries, I request you to kindly allow me to access the same and run corresponding applications.
Thanking you,
A Poor suffering soul.
Well, not exactly like this, but something like below (for libraries in /usr/local/lib path)
find /usr/local/lib -name '*.so*' -exec chcon -t
texrel_shlib_t {} \;
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