Monday, December 12, 2011

Microsoft Picture Fax Viewer problem

With picasa and a host of other picture viewing programs, the default image viewer Microsoft's Picture and Fax Viewer kind of went into oblivion for me. One fine day, I wanted to use it for viewing images (out of pure nostalgia) and found out that it was not getting listed at all in my "Open with" menu. I also was not able to find it through any program. After googling, I found out that it is actually a DLL, shimgvw.dll and needs to be launched with rundll32.exe. So, I tried that. I typed

rundll32 shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen

both in "Run" prompt as well as from the command line. Both gave me an error. "Missing entry ImageView_Fullscreen". None of the forums seem to have given a solution to fix this issue. After some more unlucky searches, I ended up with this command to be run. In the command line, run "regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll" (without the quotes). It should say "registered successfully". Voila, my problem was solved. The viewer started appearing in my right click menu. I still do not know how it vanished in the first place. But, atleast I know how to bring it back.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Disappeared Window Manager

I use Ubuntu 10.04 at home. I am a GNOME guy since the days of RHL 9. One day, suddenly, all of a sudden, the maximize, minimize and close icons on all my windows just disappeared. Just like that. Didnt know what hit me. I had to go to the menu item, and close it. Then Googling, I found out that there is this guy called "metacity", a window manager, who is incharge of these kinds of stuff in the GUI for GNOME. From this link, I found out how to give it a boot, and bring back my lifesavers.

All you had to do is:

1. Check if its already running
ps aux | grep metacity

2. Then, if its not (even if its running), just load it.
sudo metacity

3. If it gives an error like "Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager;", then just force it

 sudo metacity --replace

There is a catch here. this will occupy a terminal window. So, I'd suggest, you give the system a restart, if you arent into anything utterly serious.

I expertly went ahead and killed that process, and my whole GUI went for a toss. Nothing worked (except the mouse). So, I had to run to my second login screen, do a
of the metacity manager, and restart it with
sudo metacity --display=:0.0 --replace

And then, after I had saved my documents, I restarted the system. All is well, that restarted well.

Source link